Site Modernization
We modernizing your current website with new design and up-to-date technological background. All in the name of responsivity and being user friendly.
During the process of website modernization, we reproduce your current website in our own developed content management system (CMS), while keeping all of its content and function. We'll make your new website user friendly and in our CMS, you can easily customize every part of your website.
After the modernization, your website
- will be optimailzed for every device,
- will contains user friendly references,
- will meets with the newest display standards,
- can be customized in our CMS (which is easy to use),
- and every content, picture link and reference will be kept (only if you say so).
Furthermore, we'd like to present you the result of the modernization process, with some of our work.
We like to choose the dominant colours of the website, which are fit for the brand of the company. Most of the time, their logo is our biggest help.
In case of the Ssangyong website, the old logo was grey, which was easy to highlight with a black background. In contrast, the new one was blue on a white background. It was clear, that the modernized website will have a white background, and the other dominant colour will be blue.
The Ssangyong landing page then és now:
Planning the subpages
After the landing page, the next step is to create the subpages. From very simple to extremely complex, the design always have to depend form the content. On the following pictures, there are some of our complex subpage.
Here, you can see the old and the new design, which presents one of the Ssangyong model:
This comperasion is about the history of the Isuzu brand:
These pictures shows, that - after the modernization - , those subpages became so called microsites, which is a mini website within a website. There is a navbar, on the top of the page. If you click on any element of it, that will scroll to the selected chapter, which makes the navigation easier and faster.
Forms and surveys
Általában nem ezek a honlapok leglátványossabb elemei, de mégis az egyik legfontossabbak, hiszen ezen keresztül léphetünk kapcsolatba a cégekkel. Az évek során készített számos weboldalhoz különböző összetettségű és megjelenésű űrlapot, kérdőívet készítettünk. Az utóbbi munkák során nem feltétlenül a megjelenést kellett modernizálni, hanem a technikai hátteret, valamint egyre gyakoribbá váltak a felugró ablakokban megjelenő űrlapok.
Usually these are not the most spectacular, but one of the most important parts of the website, because via these, you can make contact with the company. During the years, we make numerous forms and surveys for our clients with different complexity. Sometimes we didn't have to came up with a modern design, but a technical solution. Nowadays, the forms displayed in a popup window became more and more popular.
Responsive view
A mai világban szinte alapkövetelmény egy weboldal számára, hogy ne csak asztali számítógépre és laptopra legyen optimalizálva, hiszen már szinte mindenkinek van egy okostelefon a zsebében, valamint a táblagépek is egyre elterjedtebbek. Ezek különböző felbontással bírnak, és - valljuk be - szinte mindenki azonnal a telefonjáért nyúl, ha valamit eszébe jutott és meg akarja nézni az interneten, hiszen az azonnal kéznél van. Így elkerülhetetlen a weboldalak számára hogy ezeken az eszközökön is teljes szélességben kiférjen, minden funciója legyen optimalizálva ezekre a mobil okoseszközökre is.
In this modern world this became a basic requirement for a website. Because almost everybody owns a smartphone or tablet, it is essential for a website to have an optimalized view for these smart devices too, not just for laptop and PC. These devices have different resolution and - admit it - everybody reach for their smartphone, if they want to look up something on the internet, because those are always within reach.
Here are some example of our pages, displaying on mobile:
Same pages, but on tablet, in vertical display:
Get an offer
Ask for an offer to modernize your website or create a personalized website!
Our work so far in pictures
Take a look at our work so far.
Detailed descriptions can be found on our references page.